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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  June 14, 2013 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> and we start with breaking news out of san francisco this morning where a crash and a skipping a yard resulted in major injuriat a shipping yard resultd in major injuries. will have a live report from the scene. >> we're also watching the
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wildfires that are burning in colorado's springs. two people have been killed and 15,000 a. have burned. whether the latest in the containment of that blast. >> we're also watching and tracking a nice friday forecast, including what is on tap for father's day. >> we are taking a look get the bay bridge toll plaza for the westbound ride. this is not a bad commute about 13 to 15 minutes from the east bay. moderate conditions for the quick commute check. and estate 80 has a good ride and light to moderate conditions for the south bay. the only slow and is one of 101 at guadalupe parkway. >> we are following break the news out of san francisco. an accident at a produce part in the city's visitacion valley
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neighborhood. this happened along the 2 adults and block of jerrold avenue. mike pelton is live on the scene. >> everyone who was injured suffered non life- threatening injuries. the tow truck and the cleanup crew has left the scene. a car slammed into this forklift. here is video or you could see the forklift operator is lying on the ground clearly injured. the white four-door car hit the this forklift an incentive on its side. three people work involved and this accident. all of them are now at nearby hospitals and expected to survive. police will investigate to see if speed was a factor and witnesses to tell me that it was a factor. >> the forklift driver was
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backing up and somehow i don't know where this car came but he hit this and posted a few feet. >> how fast was the car going? >> maybe about 50 to 60 mi. per hour. >> the san francisco police department will investigate this and see if drugs or alcohol paplayed a role in this crash. they call this area a high risk area for accidents. some employees to limit the they can't recall a dozen accidents happening in this area and it will the city to make changes and probably we direct the traffic so that this will not happen again. >> do you recall seeing any tire marks where the car tried to break? >> i have not seen any tire
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marks. however, the tories will look for this and investigate this but all the witnesses that i spoke with told me that this car was just speeding. >> the time is 7 03 a.m.. a young man is gonna down after an argument over a minor fender bender just set to turn 23 years old. this marks oakland's 43rd homicide of the year. here is what we know. the victim is us aya nakano. he was a recent graduate of the university of oregon. he was on his way home to emeryville lebraun 11:00 p.m. on wednesday night when he was confronted and killed over this accident. here is what the family said about him. >> he has always been a quiet and friendly. his
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parents always and joked around with him of not being a hero when trouble is in the way. they wanted him to stay away from things like this. he always a joke around. i always try to stay away from things like this. >> oakland police stated that witnesses told them that it was a silver ford taurus sedan that was driving away from the scene with possible front end damage. in addition to a crime stoppers reward, the family is offering a $5,000 reward for any information that will lead to the arrest of the shooter. >> it was a packed house at the oakland city council meeting as the city tries to lockdown a budget. the council is facing a decision between 2 different budget allocations for the next two years. the issue? who gets
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more money? the police department of public employees who have already made concessions during budget negotiations of previous years. the council will take a boat on the budget at the end of the month. >> oakland's crime problem and how to fight it was a the main issue at last night's meeting. the budget proposal by marist jean quan allocates more money to police, public safety, chp support and more. an alternate budget passed by council members gives us some money for police, but eliminates chp support. it also spends money to address other concerns like illegal dumping and graffiti. >> ever since the video of a naked man attacking people at the 16th and mission bart station surface and on
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youtube. questions are being raised about the security. it took seven minutes for police to arrive after the 911 call was placed. it's a another man for bart's police to arrive on the incoming train. door that entire time, bart passengers were scrambling tried to clear away from the man. most times bart police are on patrol at the stations, but not always. >> the deputy chief stated that they have 27 vacancies actively on the force and that they're looking to fill those positions. >> vice-president joe biden will be in san francisco today. he will attend a fundraiser this evening for the democratic national committee at the home of doug hickey, the ceo of san francisco-based a british company in bin wise. may
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well, protesters are expected to show for this event. biden's the visit comes just a week after president all obama stop by and paula out so. >> two people have been killed by the fast-moving black forest fire that is burning in northeast colorado springs, colorado. fire officials said the fire is worse than last year's blaze. this blaze has destroyed at least three and a 60 homes, and evacuations were force for almost 40,000 people. the containment is not expected for some time. there also other fires are burning in colorado, as well as new mexico, oregon and one near banning, california. >> here is also a live look in florida for the george
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zimmerman murder trial. the six jurors and four alternates eventually pick for the murder trial of george zimmerman will be sequestered. that is the word from the judge who told potential juror on the fourth day of selection that all the panelists will be kept isolated. zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder, claiming that he shot treyvon martin in self- defense. >> the time is 7 and 9:00 a.m.. here is a live look outside from our mount tam cam. we're looking at a very outside from our mount tam cam. we're looking at a very nice day. [ lorelonzo ] o i'm lorenzo. i woi rk for 47 differffent companies. well, te, chnically i workwo for one. that com cpany, the united stas postal service® works fos r thousands of home businesses. becauscae at® you can capay, print and had ve you yr packages pickp for frr ee.
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i can caeven denrop off free b. i wei ar a lot of hats. well, te, chnically i y ar on. the u.s.u. postal service®, no bus biness too small.l. [ female announcer ce] only aveeno dailday moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formulaul that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself.f aveeno®no naturally beautiful results. you may be muddling through allergies.s try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-dec®. at the pharmacy counter.
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and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. to the t little ones and crossed a thousand finish lines. ones we''ve given you y our best performing sunscreens so ysoou are a free to perform your best. coppcoertoneto sport. the thgreat eaamerican sunscre.
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>> welcome back. new this morning, the british government has issued an alert off to airlines a round world, urging them not to allow former u.s. intelligence contractors edward snowden to board flights to the united kingdom. the alert says that carriers should deny him boarding because the individual is highly likely to be refused entry to the uk. he rebuilt top secret documents about u.s. national security agency surveillance programs and is
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believed to be in hong kong. no one for his arrest has been issued. minority leader nancy pelosi says that just today she did that he should be prosecuted. >> today marks 1/6 months since the shooting at sandy hook elementary school and connected. it was on december 14th of last year when a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at the school. the tragedy will be marked with a moment of silence, reading of the names and calls to pass tougher gun control legislation. so far, measures to expand background checks for gun purchases have felt in congress. >> here is a live look outside then walnut creek. will we will be right back. have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ >> here is video of the scene in florida. customers were watching the miami heat take on the san antonio spurs last night before the nba finals. that is when the deck collapsed, just minutes before halftime sending everyone into the river. about two dozen people were injured, some of them were critically injured. rescue divers were looking in the water searching for all the missing persons but, everyone has been accounted for. >> the time is 07 and 4:00
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p.m.. >> we will start in the traffic center because there are changing conditions of the bay bridge. i just spoke with caltran about a stalled truck that is that the s curve that is blocking the right-hand lane. they stated that it would check their cameras for traffic leading to the s curve into the tunnel. the spots that i got was all, that is why. the metering lights have been clamped way down. you see very little movement. the 880 approach have been very light with a short 12 30 minute drive time is starting to back up. it is a 40 ft. truck with a trailer. it is one of the trucks to that used to carry garbage from the dumpsters. this may be a mess and a problem to clear. we are keeping a close eye on this. the bay bridge may become a hot spot.
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>> your commute for the san mateo bridge the traffic is getting a little heavier and the volume is up and so is the drive time is 11 minutes. your trip to the golden gate bridge is still light and more ran as started as a little bit of congestion because 101 is starting to load up. your ride on 880 is still under 20 minutes from hercules to berkeley. the south bay freeway is 41 01 and the guadalupe parkway towards 28. the more was slower but it is not bad the drive time is just 30 minutes from novato down to the golden gate bridge. the time is 7:18 a.m.. >> there will be plenty of sunshine in the temperatures will be close to 90 degrees. we're not quite there yet. 57 degrees in oakland and low 50's in santa rosa. this is warmer
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than where we were yesterday at this time. following these numbers into the afternoon fremont will come in at 77 degrees. load '90s for places like pittsburg and 89 degrees for fairfield. downtown san francisco reached 68 degrees and 70 degrees for those of you in berkeley. we do have a few high clouds and high pressure is starting to break apart. it will be a nice day for everyone. >> the weekend has an onshore that comes more apparent with more cloud cover. we will continue with cool weather for father's day. we will continue with the pattern of morning fog and your inland high struggle to get out the 70's by next week. >> the time is 7:19 a.m.. san francisco police are looking for a man involved in a violent attack in dolores park over the weekend. hit here is a
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sketch. he is described as 62 in. tall with a heavy build, and curly brown hair. the victim stated that the suspect possibly a homeless man, was preparing to spend the night in front of a home and wanted to sleep in this spot that the person was that. the person became a violent attack the man, causing serious head injuries. >> at least one person was killed in an explosion and fire at a louisiana chemical plant. we first brought to the store yesterday morning as it was happening. we now know that several hundred people were inside the plant, which is located about 30 mi. south of the bad routes. it would describes the confusion. >> i did not take this serious because i was not sure what was going on. i did not know what to do but when i receive more
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information i found out what was on the one in which plant it was happening that. it's started to get a little bit scary. >> louisiana health department said 77 people were treated at hospitals. most have been released, but if you are still in critical condition. the cause of the explosion is still unknown. >> the u.s. is signaling out how to arm syrrian rebels, now that president obama has decided to provide them with lee legal aid. u.s. officials want to keep those weapons out of the hands of extremists. the decision to arm the rebels was made after u.s. concluded that syrrian president bashar assad's read today has used chemical weapons against opposition forces including gas. they have killed over
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100 people. the un says that nearly 93,000 syrians have been killed since the conflict began in march of 2011. >> a tweet long demonstration in turkey may come to an end soon. the prime minister has agreed to t the courts and potential people decide the fate of the park. it is slated for development, but protesters said that the park is one of the last green spaces in the city and they're fighting to keep it. says the protests started on march predators, thousands of people have set up camp in the park. >> the polls are open and i ran, in the country's election to pick a successor. 6 candidates remain in the race and they're all loyal to the supreme leader. i ran america is an ex-patriates
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are going to special polls across the united states to vote. during i ran as controversy election in 2009, a record number of people voted in 41 locations throughout the united states. >> it appears a there is no other group people like less than congress. a >> gallup poll shows americans confidence in congress to drop off to a mere 10 percent this week. the lowest level not only for congress but for any institution ever on record. the pulp place congress dead last among 16 institutions in this survey that included banks, supreme court and the presidency. denndey's red white & blue plate specials
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are ase amerimecan as apple p. espeesciallyal, the apple pie french toast. try ity with our ner w mild or bold coffee roasts.
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>> welcome back. microsoft's office package for iphone will be available starting today. it ll the ability to read and edit text documents, spreadsheets and slide presentations. an office at 365 subscription is required for you to use this. microsoft says that the act is meant for light weight and eating, not complex calculations or heavy graphical work. the company is not making an ipad version, though, nor is the offering that app on android devices. >> the number of young people without credit cards has actually doubled since the recession. new research provided by an fico says about 16% of consumers ages 18 to 29 did have a single
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credit card in 2012. that is up from 8% who did not have one in 2007. as a result, credit card debt is also down to just under the average of 12 to $100 per person. fico says that recent legislation has made it more difficult for people under the age of 21 to qualify for a credit card. >> how much would you pay to own your own parking spaces? one spot in the san francisco south beach neighborhood sold last week for $82,000. the 8 by 12 ft. parking space is an enclosed crotch in a condominium building. what is a lot of money, real-estate agents said parking is a good investment. >> meantime, $82,000 is
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nothing compared to what one woman pay for a spot in boston. seashell about $560,000 for two spaces in boston's back bay! she bought some at an auction. the irs has seized the space is from a tax delinquent owner, of the bidding started at $42,000. >> the time is 7:28 a.m.. here is a live look outside at the san mateo bridge. the here is a live look outside at the san mateo bridge. the ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in!
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this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. load up the cooler. 12 packs of your favorite coke products are just $2.47 each. treat dad to a juicy ribeye steak, just $5.99 a pound. and lean cuisine entrees are a buck ninety-nine. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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>> demanded what he was supposed to do, any time you get into an accident you are
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supposed to pull over and exchange information. he pulled over and for whatever reason he and two other men and the car behind them got into some sort of confrontation. one shot was fired and that was heard from shotspotter for the oakland police department. here is a picture of the victim, 22 year old i and the council. he was one hour away from his birthday. his family is now unfortunately planning for his funeral. he had a bright future ahead of him and all the sudden he is killed. this is video from the scene on stanford and market about 2 mi. from the police department. he was finishing a pickup basketball game in berkeley and was headed home to emeryville. that is one
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that in the bender happen. we got a chance to talk to his uncle and here's what he had to say about his nephew. >> he was just happy happy guy. it is always been quiet and friendly, and his parents always joked with him to never be a hero and don't get into trouble. just a away from it. we always try to stay away from those banks. >> we caught up with the on call at the site where his nephew was killed. there are passing out fliers and hoping that anyone near that area could possibly tell be police what to look for. there also offering a $5,000 reward. there are plenty surveillance cameras and the area. they're looking through the video to see if there's anything in that video or videos that can help them track down the people.
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>> just into kron4 we're learning this morning of a death at a quarry and cupertino. this happened at stevens creek quarry yesterday afternoon. it was an industrial accident involving a vehicle. the worker died at the hospital and has not been identified. this is an death of a cut worker at a construction site this week. on tuesday, a man died at the side of the new forty-niner stadium in santa clara. >> a man arrested in connection with a march shooting and robbery at berkeley's ashkenaz music center is scheduled to appear in court today. 25 year-old christopher washington will have a plea hearing for five robbery charges and to attempted charges stemming from the incident. washington was allegedly one of two suspects that shot and wounded two employees before fleeing from the center. as of today, the second suspect
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remains at large large butte county sheriff's deputies have found a stolen car burning with three people dead inside near paradise. deputies and firefighters responded to reports of vehicle fire on a north east road of chico early yesterday. there ride to find a green actor on fire. when it was out, investigators found three bodies. the bodies were in the trunk and a third was in the backseat. the car had recently been reported stolen from sacramento. the cause of the deaths and identities of the dead remain unknown. >> according to caltrans, construction o the new fourth border of the caldecott tunnel is about 80% complete. this is the east end avenue tunnel looking westward toward the oakland. crews are working on the final touches. bay in
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the roadway, installing paneling on the walls, and electrical work still needs to be completed. giants fans have been installed on the ceiling to push out smoke there's ever a fire inside the tunnel. this bore is the largest of all four tunnels, and could speed up the daily commute for the thousands of bay area commuters. the bart board of directors approved a $1.5 billion balance budget for the 2014 fiscal year. are says it is focusing on customer priorities with investments in clean air stations, new trains, and other improvements. the budget will direct $46 million in operating funds toward ordering 410 new rail cars, scheduled to be in service in 2017. another $7 million
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will be used to replace existing train seats and floors with easier to clean existing train seats and floors with easier to clean materials. other items at kaiser permanente, we've made major advancements in reducing existing train seats and floors with easier to clean materials. other items the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive.
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♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup!
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>> 7:40 a.m. and a corporate jet crashed right into a hangar halfway through and is just sitting there. there were three people on the small jet, this is a hangar at the chino airport. three mechanics were on board for a routine engine test when the plane joined the talks that were holding it in place and it rolled into the hangar. for adjacent hangars and businesses with in those tankers were evacuated. >> we'll take a quick break on the kron4 morning news. a live look outside at 680. don't forget, for the fourth
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of july if you do not have plans, join us. it's the only local, live at fireworks show in the bay area. we will bring you the biggest and best fireworks from san revell, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco.
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>> welcome back we are tracking a hot spot, the bay bridge and the westbound ride. we have a stalled truck that is blocking the lane near yerba bueno island. there is now another
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vehicle and nearly the exact same location with a flat tire. they're changing it as we speak but look what it is done to the ride. is now an 18 to 22 minutes drive time. 18 minutes of your coming off the nimitz freeway, that is easily the shortest in easiest approach to the bridge. looking at the ride to the san mateo bridge, highway 92 we are problems free within 11 to 12 minutes drive time. the golden gate bridge ride is a delay free southbound. here on the east shore freeway, 21 minutes from hercules to berkeley and much lighter than usual 680 ride for the southbound trip into walnut creek into alamo westbound 24 problem free this morning. south bay phrase lighter than usual.
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the marin ride well under a typical drive times this morning. 31 men's from the bottle to the golden gate bridge. >> 56 degrees right now in downtown san francisco. mainly sunny skies and into the afternoon we're talking upper 80s and went, mid-70s down the east bay shoreline. downtown san francisco a high of 68 degrees today. 7 day around the bay we will cool things down for saturday and sunday and plenty of sunshine. a tad bit cooler as we head into father's day. morning fog and afternoon sunshine as we start the next work week. the >> i like the honor of the heap heapt's
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>> the way it was amazing. >> he came back to, >> tony parker, i love was a hamstring or whatever but 16 points for him. this is the way it's going to go. >> i know almost to a fault if you owned a furniture store and someone of a does not deal in furniture and has no idea of your warehouse or how much stuff you have or what it costs, this is i you do it. again, i've been doing this so long that half of my routine is just having old people say that guy is crazy. i get used to it. it does make you
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think that all of us just sometimes wait a low bed. if you're having fun, that is one thing but when you really think you are a coach is just ridiculous. bismarck and there today? >> yes. >> cellmark to quit giving his thoughts. >> conflict over the prompter for me? dan and was at the game and i said you didn't stay. he is at the a's game, it was five and a half hours. >> he's got in new york and him. he stayed for the holding. >> no he did not, but i am blaming him for the whole thing. >> if you stayed for that game than you can go ahead and criticize.
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>> the a's to just continue. >> the yankees are still the yankees. that's pretty cool. >> that is really cool. it is nice to say that the giants won. is my seal the say that again. i just bought an aged t-shirts, it's in the mail. i think the prices will go up after yesterday's win. >> are you saying you haven't bought in a shirt before? i've got note the other day she was listening to me on the radio or not but some caller i did my use the well and said you can even name three days. i came the word in there is the a's roster on my desk. >> i was discussing that i was in a big fan of the
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green color but i wanted to get the green shirt. i left my notes for you what you don't read them. >> may i repeat again why i seem relatively happy? i am not dealing in your world of backbiting and note taking. >> the all-star thing is what it's all about, did you hear what the mets did to try to get their hooks and david right? they were going to this cougar web site because he was named one of the cubs' mlb cubs. they said hey let's get cougars to vote for the all-star thing. once word got out they said forget it. apparently, at he is very desirable. i look them up a little. he is 31 but no one cares. you know who is in the lead? pablo sandoval all. >> that's going to fade away
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now that he's sitting. that is what the giants, we are in the king area for technology and everyone is going to the internet. we talked about this. they make should make it so you can vote once. i keep looking at it. there's a reason he's 31 and not married, he is not interesting. daria, at a guy is 31, it's not like he's all but he doesn't want to get married right now. >> how old is a ride? >> he has been married. >> but he's not now right? >> no. i think rodriguez's 38. >> when you are married, this is the best " is this is what you would say about your wife " my wife is going to kill me for saying this, even in the eighth grade is a real graduation?
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>> he flies on the red eye and gets off the plane in an hour and a half later he has to do and what is it a red dye or private jet? >> it's like anything else, if you can do it, just do it. >> is the eighth grade a real graduation? >> and 30 tell the story and say hey my daddy love me enough, my daddy had dinner with they would somebody the third what i was graduating. >> the considered a graduation? >> the note i was yesterday? at a preschool graduation. >> yesterday, i was at a fifth grade graduation for my son. >> out there not really
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graduating. >> week is that high school and college. >> to they have the bomb was? >> no. they does have a little ceremony. >> might preschooler and had the pluthedip [loeaplomas >> worst case scenario that will probably get a commercial out of it. if you want to think of him poorly, but it phil mickelson, daddy of the year. >> 0 k >> i am shocked that you are
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be little in children. >> high winds, high winds! >> you complain to the old- time to. >> i want to get a special award >> to get one? amonte no >> having you as a mother is a special award. look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like
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before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. backflipfls and cartwheels.mile? love, wa, rmth. here, retry this. mmmm, ok! ching!g! i likeli the fact that there's lotslo of different tastes going on. mmmm!! breakfaskft i'm vem ry impressed. this is ia great cereal! honey buy nches of oats. i hei ar you crunching.
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>> 7:57 a.m. and coming up on the kron4 morning news a crash in san francisco leads to major injuries this morning. wild fires in colorado continue to grow consuming hundreds of homes and we will sell you which county can claim to healthy as kids and the bay area. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. are as aasmericarin as apple p. & blue plate specials especialcily, th, e apple pie french toast. come in itoday dafor specials starting at just $4.99. onlyon at det nny's. from the united states postal servierce a small design firm can ship like a big businesins. just go online to pay, printri
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and have your packages picked up for freefr. we'll do the ♪
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> breaking news at a san francisco this morning, a crash at shipping our results and some major injuries. we are on the scene live with details. >> to be blood been killed in a colorado springs fire that has now burned more and 15,000 a.. we will have the latest in the containment of that blaze. >> they bridge, as against all of the morning. the first but stall was eight big rig and those under that it cleared an abo " came to take its place with a flat tire. the last time i calculated this drive time coming from the nimitz freeway it started as a 13 minute drive time and has doubled in last 25 minutes.
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26 minute commute time into san francisco from the time you hit the back up on 880 northbound. 33 minutes out of the macarthur maze. this commute went from friday light to a very heavy and slow ride. that is the worst traffic to be found in the bay area. otherwise, we're not looking at any major problems. >> we're waking up to sunny skies and a few clouds out there. they'll be the warmest day of the week. and tomorrow, it will be cooler by five to 10 degrees. fog returns in a forecast and we will see more of an onshore flow with more details on what to expect coming up my next report. >> following breaking news out of san francisco an accident at a p produce market and cities visitacion valley neighborhood. mike
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pelton is live on the scene. >> employees say this is yet another accident that is happened here. there are lots of large trucks and ford list that are crossing right beside me. this is constantly a problem. it was eight busy market earlier this morning when that forklift collided with the operator. just after the accident you conceive a forklift operator on the ground clearly injured. three people were involved in the accident, but two of which were inside the car in addition to the port of driver. they are all at nearby hospitals and expected to survive. the police will investigate this incident to determine whether and not speed was a factor but witnesses say it was. >> the produce driver was backing up. somehow, out of nowhere a white card and
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just slams one end of the forklift. maybe a few feet. >> how fast you think the car was going? >> i'm assuming about 50 are 60 mi. an hour. >> please conto and some employees say they can recall between 20 and 25 accidents that have happened here. 25 mi. per hour speed limits have been posted and they said it is more of a guideline than an actual rule. a lot of people speed through this area. a lot of changes that to be made to this market to make sure that this type of accident never happens again. >> a young man has gone down after an argument over a minor fender bender just a day before his 23rd birthday. this imark's a
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glance at 43rd homicide of the year. the victim is aya nakano he was a recent graduate of the university of oregon. he was on his way home to emeryville around 11:00 p.m. wednesday night when he was confronted and killed over the minor accident. >> he was just happy, happy guy. he has always been quiet and friendly. is there is always joked around with him to never be a hero and never get into trouble. to stay away from it. he has always joked around before that you don't have to worry about that. i tried to stay away from those things. >> oakland police say witnesses described a silver four-door sedan driving away from the scene with possible front in damage. in addition to a kind stopping award, the family is offering $5,000 for information leading to the rest of the shooter in this case. >> it was a packed house at
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the opening accouoakland city cl meeting as the city tries to lock down a budget. the counciacinl f decision between two different budget allocations for the next two years. the issue? all gets more money? the police apartment or public employees who already made concessions during budget negotiations of previous years. the council will take a vote on the budget at the end of the month. what oakland crime problem and how to fight it was the main issue at last night's meeting. the budget proposed by mayor jean kwon of allocates more money to police, public safety chp support and more. alternate budget back by council members give some money for police but as the met eliminates chp support. >> ever sense of the naked man video attacking people at the 16th and mission bart
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station service on youtube, questions are being raised about a security at bart. it took seven minutes for police to arrive after the 91 call was placed and that officer was with the san francisco pol it's another minute for bart police to arrive on an incoming train. during that entire time, our passengers were scrambling trying to steer clear of 24 year old yeiner perhaps brperez. most times bart police are on patrol as stations but not always was the case with this incident. the deputy chief says they have 27 vacancies on the force and are actively looking to fill those positions. >> and vice president joe biden will be in severance as good today. he will attend a fund-raiser at that this evening for democratic
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national committee at the home of doug dickey, the ceo of san francisco-based beverage company bin-wise. tickets to the men are said to be anywhere from $500 to $10,000. meanwhile, protesters are expected to show for the vice-president visit. the sierra club, greenpeace and others will be protesting the keystone xl pipeline. lightens visit comes just a week after president obama stopped in palo alto and porto valley for fund-raisers and a speech about the affordable care act. >> firefighters in colorado have been able to temporarily halt a huge wildfire near colorado springs that killed two people in bird nearly 380 homes. ablaze nearly doubled in sight over the overnight, but is holding at 25 square miles. 40,000 people have been told to evacuate their homes. and the two people
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killed were found in a chart rise in the black forest area. authorities believe they had been loading up the card to evacuate. this fire is is one of a handful of fires burning right now in colorado as well as new mexico, oregon and california. >> we are directing the firefighters to where we were witnessing the hot spots. we're trying to keep the damage to a minimum. to me, it was kind of the turning point we were looking for so i'm pretty encouraged by it. i do not want to put a lot of pressure on our fire fighters. i no circumstances can change and we expect a little bit of land today. we have a little bit of cloud cover and that is too our favor. the winds were, throughout the night for the most part. >> we will take a quick break but it you heard him mention that the what it
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seems to be taking a turn in their favor. we will take a quick break and be right back. ♪
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[ roars ] ♪ ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪
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>> new this morning, house lawmakers are heading toward passing a defense bill that reflects some of the outrage over the growing number of sexual assaults and the military. the legislation is expected to be done today, it includes a measure requiring jail time for service members were convicted of rape or sexual
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assault and a military court. it is estimated there were 26,000 sexual assault and the military just last year alone. >> today marks six months since the shooting at sandy hook elementary school in conn. it was on december 14th of last year when a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at a school in new town. the tragedy was marked with a moment of silence this morning with the reading of names and calls to pass tougher gun control legislation. so far, measures to expand background checks for gun purchases have failed in congress.
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>> said that collapsed in a popular sports bar and florida's send about 100 people falling into the water below. customers are watching the miami heat take on the san antonio spurs last night for the nba finals. that is one that collapsed, just minutes before halftime sending everyone into biscayne bay. about two dozen people were injured, some of them critically. rescue divers were looking in the water searching for missing person but everyone has been accounted for. >> as you can see, they
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released that of the metering lights. they're trying to clear up as a backup that grew to 33 minutes out of the macarthur maze. it has dropped to 26. the drive time from the nimitz was up to 26 it is now down to 22. i expect that the speeds will continue to improve. the drive times will continue to drop. here's a look at the macarthur maze, at one time it was backed up here midway between 80 and 24. already, at that has eased considerably. the rest of the bridges, the san mateo bridge ride is not bad at all with 12 to 13 minute commute times to foster city. the golden gate bridge is an easy ride still in the southbound direction. a little more traffic on the northbound side as is
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typical for a friday. public transit is delayed free for bart, caltrans, easace train, and muni metro. >> today will be the last morning of clear skies. we will see the return of the marine layer as we head into the weekend. right now, and joy blue skies all around with temperatures starting to climb. we are in the 60s for most locations. 63 concord, low 60s downtown san francisco. into the afternoon, east bay in one spot redwood 90, upper 80s livermore and pleasanton, we will continue to the upper 80s of the san ramon valley. 82 milpitas, 86 concord. low 70's berkeley, mid-70s oakland, 77 san leandro. in
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the south bay, up are '80s morgan hill evergreen, 88 cupertino downtown san francisco upper 60's, low '70's sambar know. in the north bay, not by 84, 83 sonoma, 83 nevado and close to 90 in fairfield. we have a few high clouds coming in right now, high pressure slowly but surely starting to break apart. what that means is more an onshore flow of the westerly breeze returning as we head into tomorrow. we'll cool things down for the father's day weekend but still perfect if you are taking that out. sunday, low 80s and lan. we will continue with a cooling trend as we head into next week. expect the pattern of morning fog and afternoon sunshine. >> 8:18 a.m. and take a look
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at the description that of the man at least are looking for. he was involved in a violent attack and dolores park are the weekend. he is described as 62 in. tall with a heavy build and curly brown hair. here's a video of the scene where the attack happened. the victim saw the suspect, possibly a homeless man was preparing to spend a night in front of a home and ask him to sleep in a different spot. the suspect then got by land and attack them and causing serious head injuries. >> at least one person was killed in an explosion and fire at a louisiana chemical plant. we first brought you this story yesterday morning as it happened. we now know several hundred people were inside the plant which is located about 30 mi. southeast of bat and ruchbaton
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louisiana's help the bargains as 77 people were treated at hospitals. most of them released but if you're still in critical condition and the cause of the explosion is still unknown. >> for the u.s. is figuring out how arm syrian rebels now the president obama has decided to provide them with aid. u.s. officials want to keep those weapons out of the hands of extremists battling for control of syria. the decision to arm the rebels was made at the u.s. concluded that syrian president bush are asidaahar a'
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regime has caused as use chemical weapons against its own people. the u.n. says nearly 93,000 syrians have been killed since the conflict began in march 200011. >> a weeto wait long demonstration in turkey may come to an end sound now that the prime minister has agreed to let the courts and potential referendum decide the fate of an istanbul park. it is slated for development of protesters at the park is one of the last green spaces in the city and they are fighting to keep it. the process started on march 31st and thousands of people have come have set up camp and the park. >> the polls are open and i ran in the countries at election to pick a successor to president mohamed i mean in a di ahmadinejad. six candids
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remain in the race and they are all loyal to supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei who cast his vote today. [ seagulls cawing ] [ yawns ] ♪ [ dog whines ] [ metal detector warbling ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the next wave of italians has come to america, and they've come to party. the fiat 500, powered by beats. [ horn honks the fiat 500, powered by beats. at univenirsity of phoenix w kis where it can take you..ation (now aowrriving: city hospit)
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whicwhh is why we're proud to help connect our students with lea lding engmployers across the nation. (next exstop: opfinancial cen) let's get to work.
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we had three consecutive losing days on wall street. it rebounded 180 yesterday but the dow now say at 15,123. >> the number of young people without credit cards has actually doubled since the recession. new research provided by tyco's says about 16% of consumers aged 18 to 29 did not have a single credit card in 2012. that is up from 8 percent who did not have one in 2007. as a result, credit card debt is also down to just under an average of $2,100 per person. ito says a recent legislation has made it more difficult for people under 21 to qualify for credit cards. >> microsoft office package for iphone will be available starting today. it will offer at the ability to read and edit text
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documents, spreadsheets and slide presentations. but office 365 subscription is required to use it. microsoft says the ad is meant for it light weight and eating, not complex calculations or heavy graphical work. the company is not making an ipad version though, nor is offering the app on android devices. have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call now for a new low price. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a $150 promotion card.
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[ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years, with a total home dvr included for life. [ female announcer ] plus switch today and get a $150 promotion card. [ male announcer ] it's a triple play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ >> there is a big backup on the bay bridge, all of the stalls are gone. we had to, the first was strua truck and
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the segment was the eighth tirsegment was a car with a flat tire. 580 on 480 westbound 26 minutes, 22 the nimitz and 20 if you're coming from the east shore freeway. drive times are improving but they are slower than what you expect for a friday. thankfully, that is the slowest traffic around. >> a mild start to your friday forecast, a blues guys mix in with high clouds. we will climb into the upper 80s and then today, mid-70s around the bay. today is actually the warmest day of the week. we will cool things back down and the fog will return as we head into saturday and father's day as well. changes to talk about into the weekend and big changes as we start the next work
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week. full details coming up in my next report. >> 829 a and a new this morning, three people are seriously injured after a car crashed into a forklift at a produce market. and happen overnight at the 2000 block of gerald ave. to people in the car and one person and a forklift were all taken to the hospital. an investigation is underway to determine if the car was being or what the cause a crash. mike pelton is following that live at the scene this morning. >> developing stories out of oakland where police are looking for whoever shot and killed a young man the night before his 23rd birthday. will tran is live at the oakland police department with more on the murder. >> the family was planning for his birthday and instead they're planning for his funeral. he bowled over and did the right thing according to the oakland police department. he was heading home from a pickup basketball game and got rear ended. he pulled over and
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for what ever reason he and two other men and beat car behind them got into some sort of confrontation. one shot was fired and he died at the scene. here is his picture, aya nakano he graduated from the university of oregon in 2012 with a degree in theology. everyone said he had such a bright future and he got gun down. stanford and market about 2 mi. from the oakland police department. he was heading through that location on the way to emeryville where he lives. that is when the sender bender happen. they're looking for a four-door sobers the band, and were model that left the scene and there. no suspect description at this time. we get a chance to talk to his uncle. they came out to the scene and spread fires and offered a reward. >> he was just a happy, happy guy. he had always
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been quiet and friendly. his parents always joked around with them about not being a hero if there was trouble. they said stay away from it. he always joked around before and he said you don't have to worry about that. aioli stay away from those things. >> i place several calls to the police apartment this morning but i have not received any inform >> we're learning of a death at quarry in cupertino. it happened at stevens creek quarry yesterday afternoon, it was an industrial accident involving a vehicle. the workers identity has not been made public. this is the second death of a worker at a construction site this week.
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on tuesday, a man died at the statside of the new forty- niner stadium in santa clara. >> a man arrested in connection with the march shooting at robbery at berkeley's ashkenaz music center is scheduled to appear in court today. 25 year-old christopher washington will have a plea hearing from five robbery charges and to attempted murder charges stemming from the incident. washington was allegedly one of the two suspects that shot and wounded two employees before fleeing from the center. as of today, the second suspect remains at large. the county sheriffs and the part that thes deputies at founn car burning with three people dead inside near paradise. debbie's and firefighters responded to reports of a vehicle fire on
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a road northeast of chico early as today. their right to find a green actor on fire. what was out, investigators found three bodies. the bodies were in the trunk and a third was in the backseat. the car had recently been reported from sacramento and the cause of the best and identities of the dead remained unknown. >> according to caltrans, construction on the new fourth floor of the caldecott tunnel is about 80% complete. this is the east end avenue tunnel looking westward towards oakland. crews are working on the final touches. that in the roadway, installing paneling on the walls, and much of the work still needs to be completed. anh phan 7 installed on the ceiling to push out small but there is ever a fire inside the tunnel. the board is the largest of all four tunnels, and should speed up the daily commute for thousands of bay area commuters. >> the bart board of directors approved a $1.5 billion balance the budget for the 2014 fiscal year. bart says it is focusing on customer priorities with investments in clean air
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stations, new trains and other dev improvements. the budget will direct $46 million in operating funds toward ordering 410 new rail cars, scheduled to be in service in 2017. >>, in which you a to on your own parking spaces? once i am the standards as the southeast neighborhood sold last week for $82,000. the eight by 12 ft. parking space is an enclosed a rise in a condominium building. while it is a lot of money, real-estate agents say parking is a good investment. in the meantime, 82 grand is nothing compared to what one woman paid for spots in boston. she shelled out $560,000 for two spaces in
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boston's back bay! she bought them in an auction. the ira as it sees as bases from a tax delinquent owner. a bidding started at $42,000. >> marin county is a healthy as county in america for kids. that is according to a new ranking by u.s. news and world report. moran was the only county to get a perfect score of 100. san francisco county was not far behind scoring 94. other bay area's counties in the top 50, san mateo came in at no. 9 in santa clara county ranks 19th. sonoma county came in at no. 49. >> we'll be right back as a kron4 morning news continues. it should be a fairly nice day across the city, 55 degrees right now am looking for the upper 60s
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of a high today.
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>> there is a new start in the bay area making it easy and stress be to get repair workers services done in your home. are tech report gabe slate visited the bay area homeowners trying out this new service. >> how you know who to trust? i you know how much the job will cost? i do know that what price gouging if they show up to do the job? there is a new app that makes it very easy to get repairs or services done in your home. it is called club local and it is a free app to use. sign up and choose the type of work that you're looking for and book a two hour window for your arrival time. most of the time, you can get same-day service. answer needed new base boards up for his neand used cll
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to do the job. >> i'm really happy with knowing what i'm paying up front. >> the prices will cost the same to get your toy that rebuild matter where you live. the pricing is very consistent. when the job is over, you paid attacked directly you can pay with a check that you can access is what your credit card on the ipad. used by the card and sign with your finger, it is so easy. we store all of your warranties and receipts on line. >> 8:41 a.m. and we'll be back in a couple of minutes. a live look at our roof year and van ness, a nice sunny skies.
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>> you can see a plane right into this hankered, no one was hurt though. it is a small passenger jet that when it into the hangar at the chino airport. it is sitting there halfway through. three mechanics were on board doing a routine engine test. something failed because they went right through into the hangar. businesses within those tankers had to be evacuated. >> so much for friday light at the bay bridge, here is george. >> to stalls, back-to-back on the upper deck cleared over an hour ago, close to two hours ago and we are still meeting with a big back up. the leading lights
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or slow way down and push the back up into the macarthur maze. you can see the 880 approach and you could make up the tops of the cars along the ramp there. it is still backed up completely over the toll plaza which makes it that drive time coming from the nimitz freeway still over 22 minutes to get into san francisco. it is a 26 right minute ride coming out of the maze. the back up had reached nearly 224 but is easing somewhat now. it is backed up to a 580 fly over or what we call the macarthur maze for that westbound ride. 92 the sam its sale bridge has been a light and easy ride all morning long. that continues to be good news. the commute to the golden gate bridge is problem free, 1 01 southbound. this as light
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traffic with no delays from marin county. all of the green at showing on the road sensors in the south bay we are enjoying friday light conditions. >> starting off with plenty of sunshine, very little fog out there. we have some clouds but that is not impacting your and is visibility. fairfield, currently 74 degrees. we're off to a warm start this morning. the east bay shore line, upper 50s along the coast. into the afternoon, today will be the warmest of the next seven. upper 80s
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and close to 90 for antioch and livermore. mid-70s oakland, 68 downtown san francisco. i would not be surprised if sam francisco climb closer to 70. out about later on tonight, future cast force shows by 8:00 p.m. tonight we will keep it in the '70s and land. hayward 64, 63 san francisco by 8:00 p.m.. 7 day around the bay onshore flow " returns and we will see cloud cover and the westerly breeze saturday into sunday. father's day looks pretty good pleasant conditions and it will not be too high. low 80s in mind, low seventies around the bay and mid-60s for the coast. we'll continue with a pattern of morning fog and after an sunshine.
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temperatures tumble into the middle of next week. >> it took an unintentional death or headed to do it but the oakland a's completed a three game sweep of the visiting yankees by it outlasting do your cross 18 innings. the yankees struck in the first with a robinson to home run that would be the only runs the yankees would score. the a's tied it up with the third and this, says smith doubled to right, john at jay's show going to be out at the plate but yankee catcher chris stewart tags they so with his glove, thg victory went to jesse's out as who started the year in triple a but the proof by the two-thirds a shot out ending's including retiring the final 13 yankees' he faced. the game goes by
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hours 35 minutes in the eighth stakes demonstrate the yankees at the the giants got back to their winning ways things to a strong outing by matt cain on the one-year anniversary of teens' perfect game against houston. can allowed two hits over 62 1/3 innings and the rest of the lineup pounded the pittsburgh pirates and zero last night. the nba finals are all tied up with two wins apiece plane in san antonio the miami heat beat the spurs in game 4, 109-93. the win
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guarantees at the heat their return trip to miami for six game. game 5 will be played in san antonio sunday. >> if imitation is the best form of flattery than forty- niner alex moon should be honored that he will be staying his name with this rhino. today the line and will take part in any celebration of a four year- old black rhino at the san francisco zoo. boone is being honored because of his creation of an education program to bring at risk used to the zoo. >> that is a pretty cute rhino. >> would you want to be named after a rhino? >> or a monkey. make your for the live plans now and join us for kron4 is alive for the live. is the only local, live pirate show in the bay area. we'll bring
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you the biggest and best fireworks for december fell, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco. >> a live look at our stubborn hotspot as georgia's sen the stalls are cleared but obviously the traffic has not. currently 53 degrees and oakland, it will be 75 today. we will be right back. you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> are on the size of the week and up near 80 degrees f and deep inland spots. morning fog and afternoon sun. a little bit of a cool down as we head towards
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tuesday and a warming back up later in the week. >> remember you're just complaining about the commute? three czech companies have teamed up to make a prototype of a flying elected bicycle and pride. the pilot of the bicycles that he was able to get it into the air several times without any problems. a dummy road in this at all during the test flight. the creators of to save ihope to has and the seat one day. the bicycle landed safely after remote-controlled 5 minute flight. >> coming up on the kron4 morning news and early morning accident at a produce market said three people to the hospital. we
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will have the details and a live report coming up. standards as the police are looking for a man involved in a violent attack and dolores park are the weekend. weird continue to keep an eye on the area weather and traffic. george rascal bring you details on your morning commute as we have set a seen a few hot spots. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> the stories that we're following this morning, a crash at a shipping our results and some major injuries. we are live on the scene with details. >> this should have been a light and easy ride at the bay bridge and was until the first stall occurred at the bay bridge. that was in the 6:00 hour. as second turned up as the truck was cleared. as a result, we are back up insulate macarthur maze and
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we're still recovering from that problem. drive times a still 22 minutes, even from the nimitz freeway. 23 minutes of your coming off the east shore freeway. 26 to 28 minutes coming out of the macarthur maze. a bigger than usual back up for the west palm bay bridge ride. other freeways still look pretty good around the bay area. >> we will take a live look from our outside roof camera. we're waking up to a bright blue skies and prettplenty of sunshine. into te weekend, the fog will return in breezes will pick up. into father's day, sunday will be pretty nice. inland spots get into the 80s. we'll break down neighborhood highs in just a bit. >> thousand eight breaking
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story out of san francisco, a cartelize with a forklift operator at a produce market in the city's visitacion valley neighborhood resulting in several injuries. mike pelton is on the scene. >> employees here at the produce market say this is just a another accident that occurred here. it was a very busy market earlier this morning when the car collided with the forklift operator. here is the exclusive cellphone video in moments just after the crash occurred. the forklift operator is lying on the ground clearly injured. the driver of the white car slammed into him sending the port of toppling to the side. the two people involved in the crash in the car as well as a forklift operator were taken to the nearby hospital. all are expected to survive. police are investigating as to whether not speed played a
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part in the crash but the workers here say speed has caused many problems and the past. >> i've been here for 30 years doing this job. when thethere are some drivers that come very faster year. >> it's getting to a point where it is not safe. >> i see everybody going fast. everybody's trying to get their products out of here. everyone is in a hurry. >> some employees say they can recall of the two dozen accidents that have happened in this market. they have a posted 25 were miles per hour sign but they say it is mostly a suggestion. as it pertains to this incident, police
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will continue to investigate as to whether speed, drugs or alcohol played any part. >> a young man is gunned down after an argument over a minor fender bender been just a day before his 23rd birthday. this marked a glance at 43rd homicide of the year. i am not connote was the victim. he was a recent graduate from the university of oregon. he was on his way home to emeryville around 11:00 p.m. wednesday night when he was confronted and killed over the minor accident. he was shot. he was >> he was just a happy, happy guy. he was quiet and friendly. his parents always joke around to him to never be a hero when there was trouble. stay away from it. he always at a jog around before. he said you don't
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have to worry about it, i always try to stay away from those things. >> oakland police say witnesses described a silver four-door sedan driving away from the scene with possible friend and damage. in addition to a crime stoppers award, the family is operate $5,000 reward for affirmation leading to the arrest of the shooter in this case. >> it was a bath house of the oakland city council meeting as the city tries to lock down the budget. the council is facing a decision between two different budget allocations for the next years. the issue, who gets more money? the police department are public employees to have already made the concessions during budget negotiations of previous years. the council take about on the budget at the end of the month. >> always crime problem and how to fight it was the main issue at last night's meeting. the budget proposed by mayor jean kwon a allocates more money to police, public safety and
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chp support and more. an alternate budget backed by council members and gives us some money for police but eliminate chp support. >> ever since the video of a naked man attacking people at the 16th and mission bart station service on youtube, questions are being raised about security at bart. it's a seven as for police to arrive after the 911 call was placed in that officer was with the san francisco police department. it's another matter for police or ride on an incoming train. during that entire time, our passengers were trying to steer clear of the 24 year old man. he tried to attack them. most times, bart police are on patrol at the stations but not always. deputy chief vincent ferro says things are going to change. >> we're looking for ways to address this. what lead to but one or 2 c. at every stations but the reality is
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we have to do that smartly. we need to get more visibility in that station. >> the deputies he says they have 27 vacancies on the force and they're actively looking to fill the positions. >> buys president joe biden will be in san francisco today. he will attend a fund-raiser this evening for the democratic national committee at the home of a dead heat, the c o san francisco-based beverage company been wise. the city of them are said to be anywhere from $500 to $10,000. meanwhile, protesters are expected to show for the vice president's visit. the sierra club, greenpeace and other groups we protesting the keystone x l pipeline. by and visit comes just a week after president obama stopped in palo alto and porto valley for fund- raisers in a speech about the affordable care act. >> new date tells as our in a fast-moving wildfire burning in colorado springs. the first time since the fire started on tuesday, authorities seemed optimistic that they can
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stop it. the people were killed in the fire as they tried to escape. the fiery mated 25 square miles and today it takes to lighter winds and fast action by crews. debbie's the drilling for looters and helped direct crews to dozens of hot spots. the blaze destroyed 3979 homes. there're other wildfires burning colorado as well as new mexico, oregon and one at near banning california. >> 9 of 7:00 a.m. and we'll leave back and a couple of minutes. live step from our mt. tam cam.
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>> new this morning, house lawmakers are heading toward passing a defense bill that reflects some of the outrage over the growing number of sexual assaults in the military. the legislation is expected to be done today. it includes a measure requiring jail time for service members who are convicted of rape or sexual assault and a military court. that is estimated there were 26,000 sexual assaults and the military just last year alone. the air national guard's 109th airlift wing in new york is now under investigation for alleged officer misconduct. retired
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lieutenant colonel sharing the wirsharsharon dwyert stepp t a letter to vermont senator patrick lee telling him about the alleged misconduct. she says when it comes to handling sexual assault claims, the unit has promoted abusers instead of punishing them. new york military officials are not commenting on the allegations. >>
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w >> 9:14 a.m. and that collapsed at a popular sports bar and florida sends about 100 people into the water below. customers are watching the miami heat take on the san antonio spurs last night for the nba finals. that is one that collapsed, just minutes before halftime sending everyone into biscayne bay. about two dozen people were injured, some of them critically. rescue divers were looking in the water searching for missing person but everyone has been accounted for.
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>> at least one person was killed in an explosion and fire at a louisiana chemical plant. we first brought the story to yesterday morning as it was happening. we know several hundred people were inside the plant which is located about 30 mi. southeast of baton rouge. >> i didn't take it too seriously at first, i did not know what was going on what to do. as we get more information over the course of the situation, we found out what was going on and what to plant this happened at. it started to get really scary after a little while because it did so close to home. >> louisiana's sell the barman said 77 people were treated at hospitals. most of them release but if you were still in critical condition. the cause of the closeness still unknown. >> another bridge problem, this time i richmond center fell bridge that is an
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accident and westbound direction at it from richmond toward san revell. you can see the red on the roadway that sensors have stopped traffic in the westbound direction. it is really slowing things down here. i had beeck up onto interstate 580 but the richmond parkway is slower meets up to 580 on the westbound side. the bay bridge and backup is a relentless. usually, 880 is the best approach to the bay bridge but that is not the case this morning. right now, is one of the slower ones with 26 minutes. as a 20 minute drive from the east shore freeway, that is your best bet to the bay bridge. even more of your coming out of the macarthur maze. no problems on the upper deck and the early morning stalls are the reason for the big back up. the san mateo bridge is alive and is well and ride. going it bridge is problem free for it southbound.
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expect to see the third lane added in the northbound direction and the next 20 to 30 minutes. >> today is the warmest day of the week, it is beautiful. the mt. tam cam shot, ibeautiful skies. we are ready sang '70s and places like nap but, mid-70s in fairfield, 65 currently in san jose. into the afternoon, we're expecting fairly warm temperatures, even some nineties and beat warmest areas. 83 died for santa rosa, 84 now but, 88 pleasanton, lows at mid '80s
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for those of you had it out this evening, mostly clear skies some light wind and still pretty comparable temperatures. all of the yellow indicates that the upper 70's by 8:00 p.m.. some left over '80s for places like fairfield. we have some gradual cooling starting tomorrow. other snake, expect a fairly nice conditions. the gradual cooling as we head into the work week. >> 918 a m sam francisco police are looking for a man involved in a violent attack and dolores park are the weekend. here is as bad
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she is described as 6 ft. 2 in. tall, heavy build and curly brown hair. this is where the attack happened and dolores park in san francisco. the victim walked up to the suspect, possibly a homeless man who was preparing to spend the night in front of a home. the victim as him to sleep and the difference by and that is when the suspect got violent and attacked them and causing serious head injuries. >> to reset limousine fires have the bay area lawmakers looking to make sure limo's are safe. video on the left shows a charred limo in walnut creek for nearly a week ago. several elderly women were inside there is still no police investigation into what caused the fire. on that right, a deadly loma fire that killed five women out celebrating 8 wedding. >> state senator jerry held
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says the two recent memo fires are extremely alarming and rebuild that more must be done to step up safety on these vehicles as soon as possible. >> when you look at that limousine and walnut creek after that fire, it did not take long for that limousine to be completely destroyed. those nice ladies were still inside and devastating results. it is also very troubling why there was not an investigation launched into what happened in the walnut creek limousine fire case. that is the only way to pinpoint problems. it is especially important right now because it comes on the heels of the salmon's salem of fire that killed five women. while he and other legislators wait for the result of that situation, they are moving forward to create new legislation that will provide more regulation on these limos. >> we are waiting on the highway patrol to complete
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its investigation to know exactly what caused the fire. we do know is that number one the limousines had nine passengers are less are not inspected by a third party at any time. theirself inspected and self reported as far as the mechanics. limousines do not have a fire extinguisher requirement or for an extra exit. that is what we're looking for and our legislation. >> it appears there is no other group that people like < congress. a new gallup poll shows americans confidence in congress drop to a mere 10 percent this week, the law's level not only for congress but for any institution ever on record. the poll place congress dead last among 16 institutions and a survey that included banks, a supreme court and the presidency. they include at
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gas stations in that? >> we're getting some high pictures coming in from storm damage out of charlotte north carolina. storms moving through the area and the last 12 hours. [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start.
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t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go.
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>> the u.s. is trying to figure out how to arm syrian rebels now the president obama has decided to provide them with aid. u.s. officials want to keep those weapons out of the hands of extremists battling for control of syria. the decisions armed rebels was made after the u.s. concluded that syrian
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president bush are asides are redeembashar assad's regimes used chemical weapons against its own people. the u.n. says nearly 93,000 syrians have been killed since the conflict began in march 2011. >> a two week long demonstration in turkey may come to an in san out of the prime minister has agreed to let the courts and potential referendum decide the fate of an istanbul part. it is slated for development and processors say the park is one of the last green spaces in the city and you're fighting to keep it. since the process started on march 31st, thousands of people and set up camp and the park. >> the polls are open and around and the country's election to pick a successor for president maung my i mean a dimahmoud ahmadinejad. sx
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candidates remain in the race and they're all loyal to supreme leader ayatollah outcome many who cast his vote today. >> it was somehow related to what happened. if this is self-defense, it would i guess farmers presents: 15 seconds of smart.
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so you're worried about house fires? stop smoking. manage your wires. watch out for space heaters. clean the chimney. get one of these. cool the romance. and of course, talk to farmers. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪
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97 faso you want to save on autoof insurance?. drive a hybrid. get good grades. lose the bling. go paperless. combine policies. make automatic payments. and of course, talk to farmers. hi ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ >> we continue to track the house that we have for about two hours now, the bay bridge. we have improving
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conditions that you will still hit a bigger back up and you expect on this friday morning. you expect zero back up but it is still back up on 880 northbound. your best approach is from the east shore freeway, interstate 80 with an 18 minute drive time. i don't know that we will see the end of the back up but we should see things clear up on the 880 ramp before the end of the broadcast. we picked up a new hot spot fairly recently with an accident was on on the richmond san revell bridge on interstate 580. the crash was cleared to the shoulder in the back of this clearing now as well. >> we saw sunshine a bay bridge toll plaza camera and also bright blue skies from our roof cam rep. it is a sunny start to the day, it is expected to be the warmest day of the week. into the afternoon, sunny skies and warm temperatures upper 80s in the inland areas. mid-60s along the
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coastal areas and as for the evening expect clear skies,, wins and we will still be clinging to the mild temperatures and the inland areas. >> new this morning at a san francisco three people are seriously injured this morning after a car crashed into a forklift at a produce market. it happened overnight at the 2000 block of gerald ave. to be poor in the card, one person on the fork lift up, all taken to hospital. an investigation is underway to determine if the car was speeding or what could cause the crash. >> another developing story out of oakland, police are looking for whoever shot and killed a young man and a fender bender accidents the night before his 23rd birthday. will tran is live in oakland police headquarters. >> just a horrible story, i
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got off the, the oakland police department spokeswoman and she has new information to pass along. she said there is plenty of surveillance video in that area. investigators are still looking over the video. once they've spot something conclusive it will release it to the public immediately. also, they want to ask the public to be on the lookout for any new or model four-door silver's advance. it should have front and damage. the victims and jeep cherokee, there is no damage to the back in but that does not mean that the suspects' car did not receive front and damage. when two cars collide, one car receives more damage than the other. the victim is i at the condo aya nakano. here's the scene on stamford and
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market, for some reason they got into a confrontation after he got rear ended. they do not know what caused the confrontation. one shot was fired and he died at the scene. the suspect took off at the scene. we had a chance to talk set the on call yesterday after he came out to the site. >> he was just a happy, happy guy. he has always been quiet and friendly. his parents always joked around with him to not be a hero if there was trouble. stay away from it. he always joked around before saying you don't have to worry about it, i always try to stay away from it. >> he just recently graduated from the university of oregon. as family is offering a $5,000 reward leading to the arrest
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of the person that did this. >> we have learned this morning of the death at a quarry and cupertino. that happened at stevens creek quarry yesterday afternoon. it was an industrial accident and involving a vehicle. the workers identity has not been made public. this is an death of a worker at a construction site this week. on tuesday, man died at the site of the new forty-niner stadium in santa clara. >> 934 a and a man arrested in connection with a march shooting and robbery at berkeley's ashkenaz music center is scheduled to appear in court today. 25 year-old christopher washington will have a plea hearing for five robbery charges and to attempted murder charges stemming from the incident. washington was allegedly one of two suspects shot and wounded at to employees before
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fleeing from the center. >>butte county sheriff's deputies have found a stolen car burning with three people dead inside near paradise. debbie's and firefighters responded to reports of a vehicle fire on a road northeast of chico early yesterday. there ride to find a green actor on fire. what was out, investigators found three bodies, two bodies were in the trunk and a third in the backseat. the car had recently been reported stolen from sacramento. >> according to caltrans, cost construction on the new force bore of the caldecott tunnel is about 80% complete. this is the east end of the new tunnel looking westward towards oakland. crews are working on the final touches. dating the roadway, installing paneling on the walls, the electrical work still needs to be completed. to advance a been installed on the
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ceiling to push out smoke there's ever a fire inside the tunnel. the border is the largest of all four tunnels, and it should speed up daily commute for thousands of bay area commuters. >> marin county is alethea's county in america for kids according to a new ranking by u.s. news and world report. moran was the only county to get afect score of 100. sampras is the was not far behind scoring a 94 to ring second. other bay area counties on the top 50, san mateo came in at no. 9, santa clara county ranked 19th, sonoma county came in at no. 49.
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>> support gave thumbs and san francisco's original outdoor music of that. ♪
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the 76 a season of the stern grove festival kicks off sunday with a performance by the loss skaggs and michael mcdonald. discounters are free so, early with blankets and lawn chairs. this year's lineup includes and martini. the s.f. symphony, the s f operand and sandy else. the counters every sunday at 2:00 p.m. through the summer through august 18th at stern grove. check out the stern grove festival line up at stern grove not the popular north beach festival returns to san francisco's little italy. come check out the free entertainment, an italian street painting and children's chalk area. more than a hundred books. and its 59 year the north beach festival is considered one of the country's original outdoor festival. don't
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forget to bring your pets for the long running tradition of the blessing of the animals. no. these possible is the saturday and sunday this weekend. also on both days from 2 to 3:00 p.m. enjoyed the blessing of the animals ceremony at the shrine of saint francis of assisi on vallejo street. >> check out frame line 37 in severance as goes algae bt film festival. it runs from june 20th at through the 30th and theaters and san francisco and berkeley. for more information go to frame line at >> 941 a and we'll be back
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in a couple of minutes. it is getting close to july 4th, do you have plans? it is the only local, live fireworks in the show ares show.
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w look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. [ roars ] ♪ ♪
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[ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪ >> welcome back we event tracking a hot spot on the bay bridge westbound. we're looking at bigger backup then you would expect at this hour on a friday. the 880 approaches still backed up over the toll plaza. 580 is still backed up right to the east shore freeway to interstate 80. you can see big gaps opening up here in the heart of the toll plaza for the westbound right. do not expect this back up to be with us for very long. drive times are rapidly going down now. the highest is about 22 minutes out of
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the macarthur maze. the 880 approach is longer than the east shore freeway approach and it is very rare that goes to the changed places like that. we're still looking at some slowing for 580 westbound. most of that traffic is backed up for the east shore freeway and not for the bay bridge. finishing our bridge check with a look at 92 and a commute across the san mateo bridge, no problems here. the golden gate bridge commute is free and easy now with the third line already added in the northbound direction. >> it is glad to be a beautiful day, of you from the san mateo bridge camera. plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the mid-60s and '70s. by noon, all of the orange indicates where we will be enjoying some eighties are arouout there.
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afternoon highs, a pretty widespread '80s for our inland areas, we could see some nineties and the warmest spots. into the evening, temperatures dropping down to the '60s and some left over said th '70s8 degrees for antioch, livermore, upper 80s pittsburg, east bay stores mainly '70s. 78 high for castro valley, mid '70s for hayward. into the south bay got plenty of '80s. more and hel90 ocean beach 64, daly
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city, downtown san francisco 71. and in north bay plenty of sunshine, not now but 84, 83 sonoma and santa rosa, 81 and novato. 7 day around the bay is showing us today is the warmest day of the week, we will see gradual cooling kicking and tomorrow. coastal fog and light winds. father's day forecast looking good, low 80s. we will continue to feel gradual cooling as we start the next working week but it will warm up and to the next weekend. >> a young texas boy gets a rare second and light to perform at the nba finals game after he was ridiculed on social media. >> please help me give a great welcome
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>> after being introduced by a san antonio mayor and game 4 of the nba finals on thursday at sebastian de la cruz did what he does best. ♪ it is rare that the rsame performer sayings of back- to-back at. >> when they first told me i was going to be doing the national anthem, my father told me and i was like yes. another chance to show san antonio what i have to give them. >> they accrue as its first appearance as we for game 3 of the series saw out targeted taunts. not from the crowd but a social media. why they got a mexican kid at sending the national anthem was treated. how are you singing the national anthem looking like an illegal immigrant? who led the illegal alien
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sing this national anthem? they let cruz was born in san antonio was not going to let the negativity get him down. >> i think that people were talking bad because of what i was wearing. it is not my fault, is what i loved. i am proud to be a singer. it's their opinion actually. if they don't like marriott see, that's their problem but i love it. (cheers & applause) it was a standing o from the crowd. their record is
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deleted this week saying i am american, living the american dream. >> tony parker led the way for the spurs with 15 points and nine assists while playing with a sore right hamstring. the win by the heat guarantees a return trip to miami for game 6. game 5 will be played in san antonio on sunday. it's said to fall based on games and won. 18 and means for the a's to complete a sweep of the yankees. it all started in the first inning with robinson connote would be to run the. the a's tied up in the third nine days of the play of the play, he's out right? no, he's safe he was tagged with the glove but the ball was in his hand very nestle's out and started the year and triple a but through 5 2/3 shutout
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innings and including retiring the final 13 yankees' the face. knave raymond lonely into the game in the 15th inning singles home the winning run in the 18th against the great clothes are mario rivera lifting the a's 2832 victory. the game goes five hours and 35 minutes. the a's a 7 streets of the yankees at the the giants getting back to their winning ways banks to based strong outing by matt cain on the one-year anniversary of his birth game against houston. and allowed two hits over 6 2/3 innings and the rest of the lineup on the depressed are pirates and nothing last night. can struck out three and walked two. underpants hit his 11th homer of the season while buster posey, gregor luongo and walking areas had three
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hits apiece for san francisco which avoided the road sweep. nights i had to atlanta. i wouldn't change anything about the last 10 years
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except what it's done to my hair, so i'm doing something new. new age defy shampoo, conditioner and treatment from pantene. it's a system with pro-vitamins and caffeine. 7 signs of aging hair, like dryness and damage, virtually disappear. to make it act up to 10 years younger.
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my hair act its age? never. new age defy. hair acts up to 10 years younger. from the pantene expert collection.
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>> this father's day americans are expected to spend more than $13 billion for dear old dad. >> the average american will shell out $125 on their dad this year according to the retail federation. the and are as it says they will splurge on sports outings or dinner or electronic tablets like tablets and gps systems. still searching for the party gives? if that is looking for a tablet, a $400 samsung galaxy 8 is recommended for versatility. videogames, consumer reports
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suggests place station veto. other gift ideas include a full size is the camcorder which will give better image quality than the smart phone or tablet. a quality pair of headphones, a bike helmet or a wind teller. sprang up around father's day reds back again behind the wheel of liberal race car with 4 mi. of track. >> those are good ideas. >> have a great weekend, we will see you back your monday morning. >> dr. phil is coming up next.
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>> announcer: today on "dr. phil." >> gisele says her daughter has been bullied since february. >> announcer: a story that is still making headlines. >> there was a group that hated my daughter, the kill katie klub. >> dr. phil: you called out the school? you picked a fight with the town. >> everyone around me wants to sweep it under the rug. >> announcer: these parents speak out. >> dr. phil: ya'll have not talked about it before. why now? >> gisele calling my son a bully is for the media. they said because of a pageant i did three years ago i'm looking for attention. >> there's an ulterior motive. >> announcer: can they bury the hatchet. >> dr. phil: you're being bullied and harassed. >> just taunted me in front of your audience. >> dr. phil: let's do it. if we're going to do something here that matters, then we've


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